Saturday, 31 December 2011

A New Beginning Jan 1 2012

Today I begin a new and very exciting period in my life.  The year of turning sixty was a year of reflection and thinking for me.  I took the time out to grieve the passing of my father and also to spend time thinking of what I would like to do for the rest of my life.  My mother had cancer at this same period in her life and died at just 61 ..........  I took the time this last year to look at and overhaul my diet, fitness levels and general health and well being .

I had lots of options but the overall thought which kept emerging was to do what gives me joy and satisfaction.... " do what makes your heart sing!!"

Today I begin doing what makes my heart sing.  I have started a wonderful part time postion in Sewco Sewing and Patchwork at Mt Gravatt where I get to spend the day with like minded people who love sewing, quilting, crafting, cooking and gardening.  I have also started teaching sewing to children and in the Lockyer Valley.  These classes will expand over the year to include adults as well.

Today also I will launch my homemade line of children's funky and practical play clothes and practical  items for the home and garden.

I look forward with excitement and anticipation to the next step in my fantastic life.